Monday, 24 October 2016

These Boots were Made for Walking

Over the last few weeks I have been in training to become a walk leader with our local walking group. I’d never have envisaged doing that when I first moved to Wiltshire. Certainly I hoped to join a group. I had been part of one in the North West and had seen the benefits. There were also walks with friends at church. But leading anything connected with physical fitness was a different matter. Equally unnerving was the thought of taking responsibility for a group with mixed abilities and medical conditions.

However, the need was put to us, along with assurances that we did not require technical qualifications. There was a day’s training - very informative and helpful - and some mentoring, and then finally the day when you led a walk on your own.

My progression towards becoming a serious walker has made me think about the equipment required. A key element of this is suitable footwear. Discovering what is suited to you is a hit and miss operation. The hiking boots I started out with had been dependable companions for more years than I care to remember. Yet they probably leak now and are decidedly yesterday’s fashion. Faced with leather, they are quite heavy and hard to clean. Most present-day walkers wear a different type with a suede-like appearance. These are much lighter, but they don’t necessarily have as good a grip in challenging conditions.

No doubt it will all eventually be sorted. The encouragement is to know that my involvement with walk leading will be good news. It will be good news for the other leaders, who can draw up a rota knowing that there is at least one other person to share the workload with. And it will be good news for the walkers, who can set out assured that there is someone out in front who has walked the route already and can tell them what to look out for.

Repeatedly in the Bible, good news of salvation is likened to an announcement set on foot by a welcome messenger.

How beautiful upon the mountains
are the feet of him who brings good news,
who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness,
who publishes salvation,
who says to Zion, “Your God reigns” (Isaiah 52:7 ESV)

The picture calls to mind a runner bringing news of a battle. As the people in the city see him approach, they notice he is a lone runner. This is not a straggling group of forlorn survivors, which would betoken defeat. This runner has a spring in his step. He announces victory, unmixed with any sad tidings. He announces peace after a time of conflict and anxiety. He announces happiness; there can now be a joyful feast. He publishes salvation - the power of the enemy has been broken and captives have been set free. The God of Israel, not the gods the enemy boasted of, now reigns supreme.

Of course, this all anticipates that key piece of the Christian’s armour, the footwear.

“… as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace” (Ephesians 6:15).

Fortified by the good news of Jesus Christ, at peace with ourselves and with God, we can fight the good fight with confidence.

Not only you, but many who look to you as an example and an inspiration, will benefit from your having the right footwear.

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