An epitaph in a Spanish
evangelical church to Percy Buffard, the Englishman who founded the
Spanish Gospel Mission 100 years ago, quotes Malachi 2:6. This reads:
“True instruction was in his mouth, and no wrong was found on his
lips. He walked with me in peace and uprightness, and he turned many
from iniquity” (ESV). To say that a man not only introduced people
to Christ but “turned” them “from iniquity” is quite
striking. I have found that it is one thing for people to turn to
Christ and quite another for them to turn away from old, bad
attitudes and habits of mind.
Puritan author Thomas
Watson once wrote, “Greater power is put forth in conversion than
in creation. When God made the world, he met with no opposition; as
he had nothing to help him, so he had nothing to hinder him; but when
he converts a sinner, he meets with opposition. Satan opposes him,
and the heart opposes him; a sinner is angry with converting grace.
The world was ‘the work of God’s fingers’. Psalm 8:3.
Conversion is ‘the work of God’s arm’. Luke 1:51. In the
creation, God wrought but one miracle, he spake the word; but, in
conversion, he works many miracles; the blind is made to see, the
dead is raised, the deaf hears the voice of the Son of God. Oh the
infinite power of Jehovah!”
I say a hearty Amen.
For someone to be a new creation in Christ is an even greater wonder
than the original creation. It is often maintained that there are
more connections in the human brain than there are particles in the
visible universe. To get through all those trillions of connections,
fundamentally to change the mindset of a human person, seems a tall
order indeed. Yet God did it in the Lord Jesus Christ, He still does
it today, and He uses many remarkable people as His agents in this
precious work.
Even so, there is today
a great deal of self-deception around the whole area of conversion. A
person may claim to have had a converting experience and even be able
to point to the date. Yet the bad side of his or her old life
continues to flourish unchecked. There is the semblance of conversion
but no repentance. The person has not turned from iniquity. Maybe
there is no godly leader around to point out to that person,
courteously and humbly, that his or her attitude and way of life does
not match up to their claim of conversion.
If there was ever a man
whose whole outlook on life encouraged people to turn from iniquity,
it was Percy Buffard. Born in the late 1800’s in modest
circumstances in England, he was headed for a professional career but
developed a passion for evangelising Spain. On visiting there he
found a prevailing church riddled with worldliness and superstition.
After determined and patient work selling Bibles and Christian
literature, and setting up a health care ministry, he was able to
assemble groups of people and instruct them in God’s word. He made
a particular study of Colossians, the letter of Paul which sets out
the great aim of that apostle: “Him we proclaim, warning everyone
and teaching everyone with all wisdom, that we may present everyone
mature in Christ” (Colossians 1:28 ESV).
To this day the
churches of the Spanish Gospel Mission are earnest in instructing
their people about the gospel and the impact it should have on a
man’s or a woman’s lifestyle, a credit to the founder under God.
Thank God for Christian
leaders of vision and principle who do not merely notch up a tally of
conversions. Their heart is to see their audiences depart from
iniquity and become fully mature in Christ.
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