seems that nowadays they deliberately design buildings to have
just one way in and out. The days when homes sported both a front and a rear entrance are passing into history. Whether it is a single
property or blocks of properties, the fashion seems to be one way in,
one way out. It reminds me of the Lord Jesus Christ and His
description of Himself in John’s gospel chapter 10, as the genuine Shepherd who enters the sheepfold by the appropriate gate. The
entrance and the exit are carefully guarded and the gatekeeper makes
sure that only authorised staff have access to the sheep. The “thief
and … robber” who “comes only to steal and kill and destroy”
gives himself away by climbing over a barrier somewhere else and
sneaking in.
news is full of the dark and dishonest dealings of those who try to
worm their way into our trust but then take advantage of us. Often
this concerns money, but there are spiritual counterfeits too. They
offer us ways of looking at life which seem believable but lead only
to destruction. The Saviour aims to protect us from those who steal
and kill and destroy. We should welcome Him and thank Him for looking
after our well-being, because it will benefit us for ever.
need to be on guard for our own safety. We need at the same time to
keep others safe by showing them the one and only way to God that
will work for them. As I write this, we are less than a fortnight
away from a big week of outreach that our church is running in the
town of Leigh. We seek to meet as many of the public as we can, by
doing street work in the centre of Leigh and putting on various family events at
church. It is certain that during the week we will encounter many
people who simply do not know the way - do not know how to walk the
world in spiritual safety. It is our privilege to show them that
there is a means by which they can be kept safe: putting their trust
in the Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour. We can show them the benefit:
like sheep who feel secure in a sheepfold, they can safely find
pasture to nourish themselves spiritually. Those who are constantly
exposed and unsafe are spiritually starved. They do not have the time
and the leisure to discover the proper food sources and make the best
use of them. So I thank God for just one way in and one way out - one
way to be safe, one way to be secure, one way to flourish. I trust
and pray that many in these days will find that way, to their own joy
and to God’s praise and glory.